Did you ever think your mom maybe knew what was good for you when she told you to make your bed every morning? Well it turns out that there’s a whole lot of positive reasons for making your bed that may just get you motivated to start doing it yourself!
“Never do away with the small, seemingly insignificant tasks. They may just be the ones that set you up to master the larger ones“
Making your bed in the morning creates momentum for other tasks.
We all want to be productive. I can’t think of anyone who truly wants to just lay around watching Netflix and eating chips all day. The problem is, a lot of people just don’t know where to start.
Making your bed may seem like just a small mundane task, but it actually has so much power within it. It sets you up first thing in the morning for being productive. Finishing a task, even if it is small, will give a sense of satisfaction and give you the motivation to complete another. Seeing a nice fresh-made bed in the morning will then encourage you to tidy up the clothes from the day before. Maybe even to open the window and allow in some fresh air. Suddenly you’ve tidied up your whole room and created a clean space that you can walk into at the end of the day.
Less clutter makes for less stress.
Do you ever walk into your home at the end of the day and it’s just a disaster? The environment that we live in has a large effect on our overall well-being. When I walk into my home I’m almost immediately met with a positive or negative reaction, depending on its state. If Its all messy, and their stuff laying around everywhere, I get weighed down, and theirs often a sigh that escapes because I know the first thing I have to do is get everything in order. However, when I get up in the morning and everything has been left tidy from the night before, I immediately feel better and more motivated for the day ahead.
Theirs just something so rewarding about having a made bed, that if theirs only one small task I can accomplish before I have to rush out the door, it’s that. Beds are a very dominant piece of furniture. That’s why it doesn’t matter if the rest of your room is spotless. If your bed is not made, it’s going to look like a mess. Likewise, if your bed IS made, your whole room is going to look so much tidier, even with a mess on the floor.
Satisfaction of a task done.
Making your bed in the morning gives you a sense of satisfaction for a job done. Instead of starting your day slowly and lazily, you can start it with a positive action that energizes you for the day. Few things are better than feeling super productive and getting things done.
To help emphasize the sense of satisfaction, I would write it down on your to-do list every day. The action of checking something off makes you feel even more productive, compared to just doing a task that is on your mind.
Making your bed every morning helps keep a tidy, clean environment.
A tidy space encourages more tidying. I don’t know what it is that makes me want to tidy more when everything is already looking relatively good. But it just happens. When everything is already tidy, I want it to be PERFECT. With all the things put exactly where they belong, the surfaces wiped, and the floors vacuumed. Making my bed is the first step I take every morning to a consistently tidy and clean environment.
Here’s A Few Tips!
Make it simple.
I recommend not having too many pillows and extra blankets all over your bed. It may look quite nice when made, but it takes a lot more effort and time to get it done. If your trying to make making your bed a habit, I recommend keeping just the basic bedding. It will speed up the process and make it seem less daunting. Realistically it shouldn’t take any more than 3-5mins to make your bed!
Have a set time.
Consistency along with a set time really helps to build a habit. Making your bed at around the same time every day will help develop your habit. I recommend making it as soon as you get up. If you delay the task of making your bed every morning it will decrease in its importance. Other things will very easily fill up in your day that will take precedence and your bed won’t get made. I don’t allow myself to do anything until I’ve first made my bed in the morning.
Don’t overthink it.
I’m sure there will be days when you just really don’t feel like making your bed. The trick is, to not think, just do. Don’t let your mind rest too long on the excuses and what-ifs. Just do it without thinking, and in just a couple of minutes, you’ll be done and feel accomplished!
Write it on your to-do list.
This helps with 2 things. Not forgetting to make your bed and promoting a sense of satisfaction afterward. Even though making my bed in the morning has now become such a habit that I don’t forget about it, it’s still so rewarding to be able to cross something off on my list every morning first thing.